Stay awake after all nighter
Stay awake after all nighter

stay awake after all nighter

To reaffirm what I said earlier, all-nighters aren’t necessary or particularly wise, but we’re all human and sometimes this is where we find ourselves. Now, it’s important to go to bed early tonight and get back into a normal sleeping pattern. Pheeeeww! Give yourself a big pat on the back! Fresh air will definitely help wake you up and nothing will make you feel more productive than running around deserted streets while everyone is in bed. If push-ups aren’t your thing, then have a nice morning jog around your neighbourhood. Struggling through push-ups is probably the last thing you want to do at the end of an all-night study session, but findings show that a quick workout can help boost your brain’s ability to retain information, as well as making you more alert. You really don’t want to end up missing your deadline or your morning exam! 8. Set some alarmsĪlthough you’re planning to stay up all night, there is still a chance that you might doze off, so it’s a good idea to set a few alarms just in case. Listen to some upbeat music, cue Arctic Monkeys! Avoid classical music – even though many people argue that a bit of Mozart in the background helps to stimulate your mind, at stupid ‘o’ clock in the morning it will just send you into a sleepy stupor. Make sure that you are working in a brightly lit room – study lamps will just make you want to doze off – trust me! Note: this hasn’t actually happened to anyone, especially not the author of this article who obviously has a much better taste in music. If you don't, then you will more than likely develop a serious case of cabin fever and end up rocking backwards and forwards to Taylor Swift. In order to get through an all-nighter without cabin fever, you need to take regular short breaks. Try to avoid taking generic ‘sad study face’ selfies and Instagramming your workload and energy drink binges – you may think that you’re showing the world your dedication to studying, but in reality, you’re just showing the world how much of a procrastinator you are.įYI: Facebook Limiter is a great app which allows you to block your Facebook while you study.

stay awake after all nighter

I am most certainly not condoning living on a diet of energy drinks and pizza, but to pull a successful all-nighter, foods high in protein, fat and carbs are great! Other foods that cut it are cheese and crackers, fruit, salted popcorn and peanut butter sandwiches. A top tip is to start the night by drinking water and save your caffeinated drink until later. So, if you do hit the Red Bull, make sure you drink plenty of water too. While studies conducted by John Hopkins University show that caffeine not only keeps you awake and helps to improve your thinking and memory skills, it is also known to dehydrate you rapidly. However, it probably isn’t wise to over-do the caffeine drinks. I honestly don’t think I would have gotten through my degree without my trusty 2am energy drinks, or without chugging black coffee before a morning lecture. Staying awake for over 24 hours has been proven to lead to anxiety, confusion and an inability to focus – not great if you have an exam or deadline the next day! 2.

stay awake after all nighter

Try to take a power nap in the day or early in the evening to boost your energy and leave you feeling in a better state of mind for your late-night study binge.


However, if you’re like me and you’ve convinced yourself that you work much better last-minute and under pressure and therefore going on unrelated Wiki walks all day is totally acceptable (ahem – it’s not), then here are some of my top tips for staying focused until the crack of dawn. If you manage your time well and start your work a few weeks in advance then you can pretty much get by without staying up until the birds are tweeting. I have also learnt since then that all-nighters are surprisingly unnecessary.


One of the major life lessons I learnt during my student years is how to stay relatively human on very little sleep. It’s the night before an assignment and you have spent the past few hours on Facebook contemplating starting your monster of an essay – you realise that this is going to be a very loooooong night.

Stay awake after all nighter